Thursday, May 13, 2010

Back By Popular Demand!

So we have had a flurry of emails and conversations about techniques that people really feel. darkness and Dynamic. Dynamic for me being the meditation technique that introduced me to the world of OSHO holds a special place in my heart and in my life. This technique really transformed and continues to transform the way that I relate with myself and to the world. I have learned ( and am continuing to learn) to take responsibility for who I am, to BE simple and extra-ordinary and to be open to the magic that is touching us every moment of everyday.
Darkness meditation, also a favorite, has taught me to look beyond form to the source of all matter/matters:) In the darkness one can not be seen, that is the body can not be seen, no form. So what is left? I am still searching and exploring that. So I invite any and all who are interested in transformation, in truth, in love, in being true to ones nature to come and explore these techniques and find your own answers, ask your own questions or to throw all the mind out the door and simply BE.........

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