Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Active Meditations based on OSHO Active Meditation techniques

A friend asked for some ways to start to release tension and held emotion, so I wrote this...Enjoy!

These techniques are for you! Take the time to release things you do not need making space for acceptance, awareness and Love. Watch the mind but don’t get identified with the mind. All the techniques are to be done with the eyes closed.

Gibberish- this meditation is good for releasing all the crap out of the mind! This meditation can be done any time of the day. You can increase the time by adding two minutes per week, if you like.

Gibberish Language is speaking in a language that you do not know. There is no point to what you are saying; you are just throwing things out.
Set two timers: One for five minutes and the second five minutes after the first. Then Set two timers one for five minutes and the other for five minutes later. with eyes closed for five minutes speak in gibberish, move the body. After the timer goes off sit in silence for five minutes. After the timer goes off sit in silence for five minutes.


Whenever you feel angry or really pissed, stressed out. Go in your room, close the door and start to scream, release, hit a pillow for as long you like, and then sit in silence.

Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake it off

This is great to do when you feel you want to release, then renew your energy. It can be done with or without music.

Stand with your feet planted on the floor, and begin to shake the body. Start at the feet and allowing the shaking to move up through the body all the way to the crown of the head. Imagining you are turning from a rock into liquid. After shaking for five minutes, sit in silence. After the timer goes off sit in silence for five minutes continuously gibbering for five minutes. After the timer goes off sit in silence for five minutes.


Anonymous said...

Yoga (Application) which was based on the control of the body physically and implied that a perfect control over the body and the senses led to knowledge of the ultimate reality. A detailed anatomical knowledge of the human body was necessary to the advancement of yoga and therefore those practising yoga had to keep in touch with medical knowledge. (Romila Thapar, A History of India, volume one).

I suggest : Mind and brain are two distinct things. Brain is anatomical entity whereas mind is functional entity. Mind can be defined as the function of autonomic nervous system (ANS). It is claimed that mind can be brought under conscious control through the practice of meditation. But how? ANS is largely under hypothalamic control which is situated very close to optic chiasma (sixth chakra or ajna chakra). Protracted practice of concentration to meditate at this region brings functions of ANS say mind under one’s conscious control.

ANS is further divided into parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) and sympathetic nervous system (SNS). On the basis of these facts I have discovered a mathematical relationship for spiritual quotient (S.Q.). Spiritual Quotient can be expressed mathematically as the ratio of Parasympathetic dominance to Sympathetic dominance. PSNS dominates during meditative calm and SNS dominates during stress. In this formula we assign numerical values to the physiological parameters activated or suppressed during autonomic mobilization and put in the formula to describe the state of mind of an individual and also infer his/her level of consciousness.

Meditation is the art of looking within and science of doing nothing. We don’t use anything in meditation. We just try to concentrate to meditate at some point in human anatomy known as ‘chakra’ in Indian System of Yoga. The current of mind is flowing outward through the senses and unconsciously. The mind comes at rest gradually through regular practice of meditation. Then comes self realization and enlightenment. Protracted practice of meditation under qualified guidance will help to manage all sort of psychological problems.

Emotional Quotient can also be expressed mathematically as the product of I.Q. and Wisdom Factor. E.Q. stands for Emotional Quotient. An intelligent person may not be wise. But a wise man will always be intelligent. An intelligent person having certain level of positive emotions can be said as wise. An intelligent person lacking wisdom will turn autocrat. A wise man will always be a democrat who respects others existence.

Some may raise doubt that how could be the Wisdom quantified? The answer is simple -if Mental Age of I.Q. can be quantified then Wisdom can also be quantified, of course, comparatively with more efforts. Wilhelm Stern had given the formula of I.Q.. It is, Mental Age/ Chronological Age x 100. Spiritual Quotient (S.Q.) leverages both E.Q. and I.Q.

Radha Soami Faith is a branch of Religion of Saints like Kabir, Nanak, Paltu. Soamiji Maharaj is founder of this Faith. You may call It a New Wine in Old Bottle.

Maslow has given Hierarchy of Needs. At the top of it is need for self-actualization or self-realization.

In our society we should learn To Live and Let Live and help to satisfy others need. When the lower order needs, physiological and sociological both, are satisfied then only a person think to satisfy need for self-realization in true sense. Else he/she may spend all his/her life to satisfy at the most the need for self-expression instead of self-realization.

It is, therefore, the duty of every responsible person, at the least, of our society to give serious thought over it.

For the satisfaction of need for self-realization i.e. establishment of harmony of individual consciousness with that of universal consciousness we need following three things:

1. Mater or Guru (A Self-Realized Soul)
2. Secret of Levels of Universal Consciousness
3. Method for traversing the path.

Anirudh Kumar Satsangi

Anonymous said...

I have now propose a theory. Theoretcal Physics describes four fundamental forces of nature viz., weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force, electromagnetic force and force of gravity. Here we can present an analogy. Weak and strong nuclear forces represent pancha-bhutas or the five elements. Electromagnetic force represents force of current of mind which mainly works through sensory organs and force of gravity represents supra-causal state of Consciousness. We know that during advanced stage of practice of meditation and yoga pancha-bhutas or five elements merge into mind and mind into supra-causal state of Consciousness and ultimately Individual Consciousness merges into Cosmic Consciousness. This is the state of Perfect Bliss or Self-Realization. Likewise during the reverse process of Cosmic Evolution i.e. Perfect Dissolution of the Universe, weak and strong nuclear forces merge into electromagnetic force and electromangnetic force merges into force of gravity.

In the beginning, the enetire Creation came into existence from this Single Force Current which later on manifested into many force currents during the process of Cosmic Evolution.

Anirudh Kumar Satsangi said...

I have now propose a theory. Theoretcal Physics describes four fundamental forces of nature viz., weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force, electromagnetic force and force of gravity. Here we can present an analogy. Weak and strong nuclear forces represent pancha-bhutas or the five elements. Electromagnetic force represents force of current of mind which mainly works through sensory organs and force of gravity represents supra-causal state of Consciousness. We know that during advanced stage of practice of meditation and yoga pancha-bhutas or five elements merge into mind and mind into supra-causal state of Consciousness and ultimately Individual Consciousness merges into Cosmic Consciousness. This is the state of Perfect Bliss or Self-Realization. Likewise during the reverse process of Cosmic Evolution i.e. Perfect Dissolution of the Universe, weak and strong nuclear forces merge into electromagnetic force and electromangnetic force merges into force of gravity.

In the beginning, the enetire Creation came into existence from this Single Force Current which later on manifested into many force currents during the process of Cosmic Evolution.

Anirudh Kumar Satsangi said...

Deepak Ranade (2009) writes in his article, “Is Realisation Nothing More Than a Chemical Reaction?” :

There has been speculation of whether there exists in the brain a God centre. A reseracher revealed that when a person was subjected to pain stimulus before and after being shown the picture of a deity he had faith in, his tolerance to pain was significantly better than it was before seeing the picture. Whichever deity one believes in , the final locus of God in the brain remains the same.

Then theoretically, if this God centre were to be stimulated, one could experience calm, bliss, even ecstasy. This implies that all spiritually advanced souls have, over a period of time, been able to device an intrinsic mechanism to stimulate the God centre.

All spiritually advanced masters are just those who, by repeated practice, develop the God centre further so that it can be stimulated at will. That would reduce realisation to a mere neurochemical phenomenon. It would then have some tangible parameters for either localisation or verification.